How to Get Started With Qdrant Cloud

You can try vector search on Qdrant Cloud in three steps.
Instructions are below, but the video is faster:

Setup a Qdrant Cloud cluster

  1. Register for a Cloud account with your email, Google or Github credentials.
  2. Go to Overview and follow the onboarding instructions under Create First Cluster.

create a cluster

  1. When you create it, you will receive an API key. You will need to copy and paste it soon.
  2. Your new cluster will be created under Clusters. Give it a few moments to provision.

Access the cluster dashboard

  1. Go to your Clusters. Under Actions, open the Dashboard.
  2. Paste your new API key here. If you lost it, make another in Access Management.
  3. The key will grant you access to your Qdrant instance. Now you can see the cluster Dashboard.

access the dashboard

Try the Tutorial sandbox

  1. Open the interactive Tutorial. Here, you can test basic Qdrant API requests.
  2. Using the Quickstart instructions, create a collection, add vectors and run a search.
  3. The output on the right will show you some basic semantic search results.


You can stay in the sandbox and continue trying our different API calls.
When ready, use the Console and our complete REST API to try other operations.

What’s next?

Now that you have a Qdrant Cloud cluster up and running, you should test remote access with a Qdrant Client.

Cloud Quickstart