
Qdrant supports these “official” clients.

Note: If you are using a language that is not listed here, you can use the REST API directly or generate a client for your language using OpenAPI or protobuf definitions.

Client Libraries

Client RepositoryInstallationVersion
pythonPython + (Client Docs)pip install qdrant-client[fastembed]Latest Release
typescriptJavaScript / Typescriptnpm install @qdrant/js-client-restLatest Release
rustRustcargo add qdrant-clientLatest Release
golangGogo get Release
.net.NETdotnet add package Qdrant.ClientLatest Release
javaJavaAvailable on Maven CentralLatest Release

API Reference

All interaction with Qdrant takes place via the REST API. We recommend using REST API if you are using Qdrant for the first time or if you are working on a prototype.

REST APIOpenAPI Specification
gRPC APIgRPC Documentation

gRPC Interface

The gRPC methods follow the same principles as REST. For each REST endpoint, there is a corresponding gRPC method.

As per the configuration file, the gRPC interface is available on the specified port.

  grpc_port: 6334

Running the service inside of Docker will look like this:

docker run -p 6333:6333 -p 6334:6334 \
    -v $(pwd)/qdrant_storage:/qdrant/storage:z \

When to use gRPC: The choice between gRPC and the REST API is a trade-off between convenience and speed. gRPC is a binary protocol and can be more challenging to debug. We recommend using gRPC if you are already familiar with Qdrant and are trying to optimize the performance of your application.

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