How to Generate ColBERT Multivectors with FastEmbed
With FastEmbed, you can use ColBERT to generate multivector embeddings. ColBERT is a powerful retrieval model that combines the strength of BERT embeddings with efficient late interaction techniques. FastEmbed will provide you with an optimized pipeline to utilize these embeddings in your search tasks.
Please note that ColBERT requires more resources than other no-interaction models. We recommend you use ColBERT as a re-ranker instead of a first-stage retriever.
The first-stage retriever can retrieve 100-500 examples. This task would be done by a simpler model. Then, you can rank the leftover results with ColBERT.
This command imports all late interaction models for text embedding.
from fastembed import LateInteractionTextEmbedding
You can list which models are supported in your version of FastEmbed.
This command displays the available models. The output shows details about the ColBERT model, including its dimensions, description, size, sources, and model file.
[{'model': 'colbert-ir/colbertv2.0',
'dim': 128,
'description': 'Late interaction model',
'size_in_GB': 0.44,
'sources': {'hf': 'colbert-ir/colbertv2.0'},
'model_file': 'model.onnx'}]
Now, load the model.
embedding_model = LateInteractionTextEmbedding("colbert-ir/colbertv2.0")
The model files will be fetched and downloaded, with progress showing.
Embed data
First, you need to define both documents and queries.
documents = [
"ColBERT is a late interaction text embedding model, however, there are also other models such as TwinBERT.",
"On the contrary to the late interaction models, the early interaction models contains interaction steps at embedding generation process",
queries = [
"Are there any other late interaction text embedding models except ColBERT?",
"What is the difference between late interaction and early interaction text embedding models?",
Note: ColBERT computes document and query embeddings differently. Make sure to use the corresponding methods.
Now, create embeddings from both documents and queries.
document_embeddings = list(
) # embed and qury_embed return generators,
# which we need to evaluate by writing them to a list
query_embeddings = list(embedding_model.query_embed(queries))
Display the shapes of document and query embeddings.
document_embeddings[0].shape, query_embeddings[0].shape
You should get something like this:
((26, 128), (32, 128))
Don’t worry about query embeddings having the bigger shape in this case. ColBERT authors recommend to pad queries with [MASK] tokens to 32 tokens. They also recommend truncating queries to 32 tokens, however, we don’t do that in FastEmbed so that you can put some straight into the queries.
Compute similarity
This function calculates the relevance scores using the MaxSim operator, sorts the documents based on these scores, and returns the indices of the top-k documents.
import numpy as np
def compute_relevance_scores(query_embedding: np.array, document_embeddings: np.array, k: int):
Compute relevance scores for top-k documents given a query.
:param query_embedding: Numpy array representing the query embedding, shape: [num_query_terms, embedding_dim]
:param document_embeddings: Numpy array representing embeddings for documents, shape: [num_documents, max_doc_length, embedding_dim]
:param k: Number of top documents to return
:return: Indices of the top-k documents based on their relevance scores
# Compute batch dot-product of query_embedding and document_embeddings
# Resulting shape: [num_documents, num_query_terms, max_doc_length]
scores = np.matmul(query_embedding, document_embeddings.transpose(0, 2, 1))
# Apply max-pooling across document terms (axis=2) to find the max similarity per query term
# Shape after max-pool: [num_documents, num_query_terms]
max_scores_per_query_term = np.max(scores, axis=2)
# Sum the scores across query terms to get the total score for each document
# Shape after sum: [num_documents]
total_scores = np.sum(max_scores_per_query_term, axis=1)
# Sort the documents based on their total scores and get the indices of the top-k documents
sorted_indices = np.argsort(total_scores)[::-1][:k]
return sorted_indices
Calculate sorted indices.
sorted_indices = compute_relevance_scores(
np.array(query_embeddings[0]), np.array(document_embeddings), k=3
print("Sorted document indices:", sorted_indices)
The output shows the sorted document indices based on the relevance to the query.
Sorted document indices: [0 1]
Show results
print(f"Query: {queries[0]}")
for index in sorted_indices:
print(f"Document: {documents[index]}")
The query and corresponding sorted documents are displayed, showing the relevance of each document to the query.
Query: Are there any other late interaction text embedding models except ColBERT?
Document: ColBERT is a late interaction text embedding model, however, there are also other models such as TwinBERT.
Document: On the contrary to the late interaction models, the early interaction models contains interaction steps at embedding generation process