Qdrant. Efficient, Scalable, Fast.

Qdrant is the most advanced vector database with highest RPS, minimal latency, fast indexing, high control with accuracy, and so much more.
Qdrant Vector Database Qdrant Vector Database

Built for Performance

With up to 4x RPS, Qdrant excels in delivering high-speed, efficient data processing, setting new benchmarks in vector database performance.


Fully Managed

Experience seamless scalability and minimal operational overhead with Qdrant Cloud, designed for ease-of-use and reliability.

Qdrant Cloud
Qdrant Cloud

Run Anywhere

Qdrant’s Hybrid Cloud and Private Cloud solutions offer flexible deployment options for top-tier data protection.

Enterprise Solutions
Enterprise Solutions

Feature Overview

Built as a dedicated similarity search engine, Qdrant provides unique features to provide unparalleled performance and efficiency in managing your vector data workloads.

Advanced Compression

Scalar, Product, and unique Binary Quantization features significantly reduce memory usage and improve search performance (40x) for high-dimensional vectors.

Distributed, Cloud-Native Design

Managed cloud services on AWS, GCP, and Azure for scalable, maintenance-free vector search. Advanced sharding available.

Cloud Options
Easy to Use API

Offers OpenAPI v3 specification for generating client libraries in almost any programming language.

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Enterprise-grade Security

Includes robust access management, backup options, and disaster recovery. Dedicated Enterprise Solutions available.

Enterprise Solutions

Qdrant supports a wide range of integrations for all leading embeddings and frameworks.

See Integrations
Multitenancy Support

Ability to segment a single collection for organized and efficient retrieval, data isolation, and privacy. Vital for applications needing distinct vector dataset management.

Memory Maps and IO Uring

Effective on-disk storage options and low level hardware optimization.

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Fast and Precise Matching

Unparalleled speed and accuracy, powered by a bespoke modification of the HNSW algorithm for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.

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Payloads & Advanced Filtering

Vector payload supports a large variety of data types and query conditions, including string matching, numerical ranges, geo-locations, and more.

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Sparse Vector Support

Efficient handling of sparse vectors for enhanced text retrieval and memory-efficient data representation for high-dimensional data sets.

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Qdrant Cloud is the fastest way to get started with Qdrant.

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Additional Resources


Discover more about Qdrant by checking out our documentation for details on advanced features and functionalities.

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Enterprise Solutions

For maximal control for production-ready applications Qdrant is available as a Hybrid Cloud and Private Cloud (Full On Premise) solution.

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Learn how Qdrant is designed to deliver the fastest and most accurate results and how it compares to alternatives in our benchmarks.


Visit our pricing page for more details on Qdrant’s free tier, managed cloud, and enterprise plans.

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Turn embeddings or neural network encoders into full-fledged applications for matching, searching, recommending, and more.

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