Qdrant Private Cloud Setup


  • Kubernetes cluster: To install Qdrant Private Cloud, you need a standard compliant Kubernetes cluster. You can run this cluster in any cloud, on-premise or edge environment, with distributions that range from AWS EKS to VMWare vSphere. See Deployment Platforms for more information.
  • Storage: For storage, you need to set up the Kubernetes cluster with a Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver that provides block storage. For vertical scaling, the CSI driver needs to support volume expansion. For backups and restores, the driver needs to support CSI snapshots and restores.
  • Permissions: To install the Qdrant Kubernetes Operator you need to have cluster-admin access in your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Locations: By default, the Qdrant Operator Helm charts and container images are served from registry.cloud.qdrant.io.

Note: You can also mirror these images and charts into your own registry and pull them from there.

CLI tools

During the onboarding, you will need to deploy the Qdrant Kubernetes Operator using Helm. Make sure you have the following tools installed:

You will need to have access to the Kubernetes cluster with kubectl and helm configured to connect to it. Please refer the documentation of your Kubernetes distribution for more information.

Required artifacts

Container images:

  • registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/qdrant
  • registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/operator
  • registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/cluster-manager

Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Helm charts:

  • registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant-charts/qdrant-private-cloud
  • registry.cloud.qdrant.io/library/qdrant-kubernetes-api

Mirroring images and charts

To mirror all necessary container images and Helm charts into your own registry, you can either use a replication feature that your registry provides, or you can manually sync the images with Skopeo:

First login to the source registry:

skopeo login registry.cloud.qdrant.io

Then login to your own registry:

skopeo login your-registry.example.com

To sync all container images:

skopeo sync --all --src docker --dest docker registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/qdrant your-registry.example.com/qdrant/qdrant
skopeo sync --all --src docker --dest docker registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/cluster-manager your-registry.example.com/qdrant/cluster-manager
skopeo sync --all --src docker --dest docker registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant/operator your-registry.example.com/qdrant/operator

To sync all helm charts:

skopeo sync --all --src docker --dest docker registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant-charts/qdrant-private-cloud your-registry.example.com/qdrant-charts/qdrant-private-cloud
skopeo sync --all --src docker --dest docker registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant-charts/qdrant-kubernetes-api your-registry.example.com/qdrant-charts/qdrant-kubernetes-api

During the installation or upgrade, you will need to adapt the repository information in the Helm chart values. See Private Cloud Configuration for details.

Installation and Upgrades

Once you are onboarded to Qdrant Private Cloud, you will receive credentials to access the Qdrant Cloud Registry. You can use these credentials to install the Qdrant Private Cloud solution using the following commands. You can choose the Kubernetes namespace freely.

kubectl create namespace qdrant-private-cloud
kubectl create secret docker-registry qdrant-registry-creds --docker-server=registry.cloud.qdrant.io --docker-username='your-username' --docker-password='your-password' --namespace qdrant-private-cloud
helm registry login 'registry.cloud.qdrant.io' --username 'your-username' --password 'your-password'
helm upgrade --install qdrant-private-cloud-crds oci://registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant-charts/qdrant-kubernetes-api --namespace qdrant-private-cloud --version v1.8.0 --wait
helm upgrade --install qdrant-private-cloud oci://registry.cloud.qdrant.io/qdrant-charts/qdrant-private-cloud --namespace qdrant-private-cloud --version 1.4.0

For a list of available versions consult the Private Cloud Changelog.

Especially ensure, that the default values to reference StorageClasses and the corresponding VolumeSnapshotClass are set correctly in your environment.

Scope of the operator

By default, the Qdrant Operator will only manage Qdrant clusters in the same Kubernetes namespace, where it is already deployed. The RoleBindings are also limited to this specific namespace. This default is chosen to limit the operator to the least amount of permissions necessary within a Kubernetes cluster.

If you want to manage Qdrant clusters in multiple namespaces with the same operator, you can either configure a list of namespaces that the operator should watch:

    # If true, watches only the namespace where the Qdrant operator is deployed, otherwise watches the namespaces in watch.namespaces
    onlyReleaseNamespace: false
    # an empty list watches all namespaces.
      - qdrant-private-cloud
      - some-other-namespase
  limitRBAC: true

Or you can configure the operator to watch all namespaces:

    # If true, watches only the namespace where the Qdrant operator is deployed, otherwise watches the namespaces in watch.namespaces
    onlyReleaseNamespace: false
    # an empty list watches all namespaces.
    namespaces: []
  limitRBAC: false


To uninstall the Qdrant Private Cloud solution, you can use the following command:

helm uninstall qdrant-private-cloud --namespace qdrant-private-cloud
helm uninstall qdrant-private-cloud-crds --namespace qdrant-private-cloud
kubectl delete namespace qdrant-private-cloud

Note that uninstalling the qdrant-private-cloud-crds Helm chart will remove all Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) will also remove all Qdrant clusters that were managed by the operator.

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