Qdrant Cloud Billing & Payments

Qdrant database clusters in Qdrant Cloud are priced based on CPU, memory, and disk storage usage. To get a clearer idea for the pricing structure, based on the amounts of vectors you want to store, please use our Pricing Calculator.


You can pay for your Qdrant Cloud database clusters either with a credit card or through an AWS, GCP, or Azure Marketplace subscription.

Your payment method is charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s usage. There is no difference in pricing between the different payment methods.

If you choose to pay through a marketplace, the Qdrant Cloud usage costs are added as usage units to your existing billing for your cloud provider services. A detailed breakdown of your usage is available in the Qdrant Cloud Console.

Note: Even if you pay using a marketplace subscription, your database clusters will still be deployed into Qdrant-owned infrastructure. The setup and management of Qdrant database clusters will also still be done via the Qdrant Cloud Console UI.

If you wish to deploy Qdrant database clusters into your own environment from Qdrant Cloud then we recommend our Hybrid Cloud solution.

Payment Options

Credit Card

Credit card payments are processed through Stripe. To set up a credit card, go to the Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console, select Stripe as the payment method, and enter your credit card details.

AWS Marketplace

Our AWS Marketplace listing streamlines access to Qdrant for users who rely on Amazon Web Services for hosting and application development.

To subscribe:

  1. Go to Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console
  2. Select AWS Marketplace as the payment method. You will be redirected to the AWS Marketplace listing for Qdrant.
  3. Click the bright orange button - View purchase options.
  4. On the next screen, under Purchase, click Subscribe.
  5. Up top, on the green banner, click Set up your account.

You will be redirected to the Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console. From there you can start to create Qdrant database clusters.

GCP Marketplace

Our GCP Marketplace listing streamlines access to Qdrant for users who rely on the Google Cloud Platform for hosting and application development.

To subscribe:

  1. Go to Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console
  2. Select GCP Marketplace as the payment method. You will be redirected to the GCP Marketplace listing for Qdrant.
  3. Select Subscribe. (If you have already subscribed, select Manage on Provider.)
  4. On the next screen, choose options as required, and select Subscribe.
  5. On the pop-up window that appers, select Sign up with Qdrant.

You will be redirected to the Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console. From there you can start to create Qdrant database clusters.

Azure Marketplace

Our Azure Marketplace listing streamlines access to Qdrant for users who rely on Microsoft Azure for hosting and application development.

To subscribe:

  1. Go to Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console
  2. Select Azure Marketplace as the payment method. You will be redirected to the Azure Marketplace listing for Qdrant.
  3. Select Subscribe.
  4. On the next screen, choose options as required, and select Review + Subscribe.
  5. After reviewing all settings, select Subscribe.
  6. Once the SaaS subscription is created, select Configure account now.

You will be redirected to the Billing Details screen in the Qdrant Cloud Console. From there you can start to create Qdrant database clusters.

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