
HuggingFace SmolAgents is a Python library for building AI agents. These agents write Python code to call tools and orchestrate other agents.

It uses CodeAgent. An LLM engine that writes its actions in code. SmolAgents suggests that this approach is demonstrated to work better than the current industry practice of letting the LLM output a dictionary of the tools it wants to call: uses 30% fewer steps (thus 30% fewer LLM calls) and reaches higher performance on difficult benchmarks.

Usage with Qdrant

We’ll demonstrate how you can pair SmolAgents with Qdrant’s retrieval by building a movie recommendation agent.


pip install smolagents qdrant-client fastembed

Setup a Qdrant tool

We’ll build a SmolAgents tool that can query a Qdrant collection. This tool will vectorise queries locally using FastEmbed.

Initially, we’ll be populating a Qdrant collection with information about 1000 movies from IMDb that we can search across.

from fastembed import TextEmbedding
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient
from smolagents import Tool

class QdrantQueryTool(Tool):
    name = "qdrant_query"
    description = "Uses semantic search to retrieve movies from a Qdrant collection."
    inputs = {
        "query": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The query to perform. This should be semantically close to your target documents.",
    output_type = "string"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.collection_name = "smolagents"
        self.client = QdrantClient()

        if not self.client.collection_exists(self.collection_name):
        self.embedder = TextEmbedding(model_name="jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-en")

    def forward(self, query: str) -> str:
        points = self.client.query_points(
            self.collection_name, query=next(self.embedder.query_embed(query)), limit=5
        docs = "Retrieved documents:\n" + "".join(
                f"== Document {str(i)} ==\n"
                + f"MOVIE TITLE: {point.payload['movie_name']}\n"
                + f"MOVIE SUMMARY: {point.payload['description']}\n"
                for i, point in enumerate(points)

        return docs

Define the agent

We can now set up CodeAgent to use our QdrantQueryTool.

from smolagents import CodeAgent, HfApiModel
import os

# HuggingFace Access Token
os.environ["HF_TOKEN"] = "----------"

agent = CodeAgent(
    tools=[QdrantQueryTool()], model=HfApiModel(), max_iterations=4, verbose=True

Finally, we can run the agent with a user query.

agent_output ="Movie about people taking a strong action for justice")

We should results similar to:


Out - Final answer: Jai Bhim
[Step 1: Duration 0.25 seconds| Input tokens: 4,497 | Output tokens: 134]
Jai Bhim

Further Reading

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