Private Cloud Configuration
The Qdrant Private Cloud helm chart has several configuration options. The following YAML shows all configuration options with their default values:
# Amount of replicas for the Qdrant operator (v2)
replicaCount: 1
# Image repository for the qdrant operator
# Image pullPolicy
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
# Optional image pull secrets
- name: qdrant-registry-creds
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: "operator"
# Service account configuration
create: true
annotations: {}
# Additional pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# pod security context
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 20001
fsGroup: 30001
# container security context
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 20001
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
# Configuration for the Qdrant operator service to expose metrics
enabled: true
type: ClusterIP
metricsPort: 9290
# Configuration for the Qdrant operator service monitor to scrape metrics
enabled: false
# Resource requests and limits for the Qdrant operator
resources: {}
# Node selector for the Qdrant operator
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations for the Qdrant operator
tolerations: []
# Affinity configuration for the Qdrant operator
affinity: {}
# If true, watches only the namespace where the Qdrant operator is deployed, otherwise watches the namespaces in watch.namespaces
onlyReleaseNamespace: true
# an empty list watches all namespaces.
namespaces: []
limitRBAC: true
# Configuration for the Qdrant operator (v2)
# Does the operator run inside of a Kubernetes cluster (kubernetes) or outside (local)
appEnvironment: kubernetes
# The log level for the operator
# Available options: DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR
logLevel: INFO
# Metrics contains the operator config related the metrics
# The port used for metrics
port: 9290
# Health contains the operator config related the health probe
# The port used for the health probe
port: 8285
# Controller related settings
# The period a forced recync is done by the controller (if watches are missed / nothing happened)
forceResyncPeriod: 10h
# QPS indicates the maximum QPS to the master from this client.
# Default is 200
qps: 200
# Maximum burst for throttle.
# Default is 500.
burst: 500
# Features contains the settings for enabling / disabling the individual features of the operator
# ClusterManagement contains the settings for qdrant (database) cluster management
# Whether or not the Qdrant cluster features are enabled.
# If disabled, all other properties in this struct are disregarded. Otherwise, the individual features will be inspected.
# Default is true.
enable: true
# The StorageClass used to make database and snapshot PVCs.
# Default is nil, meaning the default storage class of Kubernetes.
# The StorageClass used to make database PVCs.
# Default is nil, meaning the default storage class of Kubernetes.
# The StorageClass used to make snapshot PVCs.
# Default is nil, meaning the default storage class of Kubernetes.
# Qdrant config contains settings specific for the database
# The config where to find the image for qdrant
# The repository where to find the image for qdrant
# Default is "qdrant/qdrant"
# Docker image pull policy
# Default "IfNotPresent", unless the tag is dev, master or latest. Then "Always"
# Docker image pull secret name
# This secret should be available in the namespace where the cluster is running
# Default not set
pullSecretName: qdrant-registry-creds
# storage contains the settings for the storage of the Qdrant cluster
# CPU budget, how many CPUs (threads) to allocate for an optimization job.
# If 0 - auto selection, keep 1 or more CPUs unallocated depending on CPU size
# If negative - subtract this number of CPUs from the available CPUs.
# If positive - use this exact number of CPUs.
optimizerCpuBudget: 0
# Enable async scorer which uses io_uring when rescoring.
# Only supported on Linux, must be enabled in your kernel.
# See: <>
asyncScorer: false
# Qdrant DB log level
# Available options: DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR
# Default is "INFO"
logLevel: INFO
# Default Qdrant security context configuration
# Enable default security context
# Default is false
enabled: false
# Default user for qdrant container
# Default not set
#user: 1000
# Default fsGroup for qdrant container
# Default not set
#fsUser: 2000
# Default group for qdrant container
# Default not set
#group: 3000
# Network policies configuration for the Qdrant databases
- ports:
- protocol: TCP
port: 6333
- protocol: TCP
port: 6334
# Allow DNS resolution from qdrant pods at Kubernetes internal DNS server
- ports:
- protocol: UDP
port: 53
# Scheduling config contains the settings specific for scheduling
# Default topology spread constraints (list from type corev1.TopologySpreadConstraint)
# Default is an empty list
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# Default pod disruption budget (object from type policyv1.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec)
# Default is not set
podDisruptionBudget: {}
# ClusterManager config contains the settings specific for cluster manager
# Whether or not the cluster manager (on operator level).
# If disabled, all other properties in this struct are disregarded. Otherwise, the individual features will be inspected.
# Default is false.
enable: true
# The endpoint address the cluster manager could be reached
# If set, this should be a full URL like: http://cluster-manager.qdrant-cloud-ns.svc.cluster.local:7333
endpointAddress: http://cluster-manager
# InvocationInterval is the interval between calls (started after the previous call is retured)
# Default is 10 seconds
invocationInterval: 10s
# Timeout is the duration a single call to the cluster manager is allowed to take.
# Default is 30 seconds
timeout: 30s
# Specifies overrides for the manage rules
# Ingress config contains the settings specific for ingress
# Whether or not the Ingress feature is enabled.
# Default is true.
enable: false
# Which specific ingress provider should be used
# Default is KubernetesIngress
provider: KubernetesIngress
# The specific settings when the Provider is QdrantCloudTraefik
# Enable tls
# Default is false
tls: false
# Secret with TLS certificate
# Default is None
secretName: ""
# List of Traefik middlewares to apply
# Default is an empty list
middlewares: []
# IP Allowlist Strategy for Traefik
# Default is None
# Enable body validator plugin and matching ingressroute rules
# Default is false
enableBodyValidatorPlugin: false
# The specific settings when the Provider is KubernetesIngress
# Name of the ingress class
# Default is None
# TelemetryTimeout is the duration a single call to the cluster telemetry endpoint is allowed to take.
# Default is 3 seconds
telemetryTimeout: 3s
# MaxConcurrentReconciles is the maximum number of concurrent Reconciles which can be run. Defaults to 20.
maxConcurrentReconciles: 20
# VolumeExpansionMode specifies the expansion mode, which can be online or offline (e.g. in case of Azure).
# Available options: Online, Offline
# Default is Online
volumeExpansionMode: Online
# BackupManagementConfig contains the settings for backup management
# Whether or not the backup features are enabled.
# If disabled, all other properties in this struct are disregarded. Otherwise, the individual features will be inspected.
# Default is true.
enable: true
# Snapshots contains the settings for snapshots as part of backup management.
# Whether or not the Snapshot feature is enabled.
# Default is true.
enable: true
# The VolumeSnapshotClass used to make VolumeSnapshots.
# Default is "csi-snapclass".
volumeSnapshotClass: "csi-snapclass"
# The duration a snapshot is retained when the phase becomes Failed or Skipped
# Default is 72h (3d).
retainUnsuccessful: 72h
# MaxConcurrentReconciles is the maximum number of concurrent Reconciles which can be run. Defaults to 1.
maxConcurrentReconciles: 1
# ScheduledSnapshots contains the settings for scheduled snapshot as part of backup management.
# Whether or not the ScheduledSnapshot feature is enabled.
# Default is true.
enable: true
# MaxConcurrentReconciles is the maximum number of concurrent Reconciles which can be run. Defaults to 1.
maxConcurrentReconciles: 1
# Restores contains the settings for restoring (a snapshot) as part of backup management.
# Whether or not the Restore feature is enabled.
# Default is true.
enable: true
# MaxConcurrentReconciles is the maximum number of concurrent Reconciles which can be run. Defaults to 1.
maxConcurrentReconciles: 1
replicaCount: 1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
- name: qdrant-registry-creds
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: "qdrant-cluster-manager"
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
create: true
# Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
automount: true
# Annotations to add to the service account
annotations: {}
# The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
name: ""
podAnnotations: {}
podLabels: {}
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 20001
fsGroup: 30001
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 20001
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
type: ClusterIP
create: true
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}